Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Joined on 1/16/04
MAKES me wonder...!
Game over. We have guessed it right.
Fuck Bahamut's party in my profile. The party is now here.
That is all.
Just let everyone know the alcohol here isn't free
You have no control over this profile Gregoryboy.
We will be right outside the information booth at the center of the main concourse with that clock on top. Everyone who lives in the area should be able to get there without any problem. For those who don't know how to get to Grand Central from Bryant Park, cross the street to the north side and walk east until you hit the terminal entrance at 42nd Street and Vanderbilt Avenue (you can also enter from Park Avenue if you're coming from that direction, but I don't think most people are). There should be numerous signs directing you to the main concourse, and once you're there, again, head towards the information booth and look for us. We shouldn't be very difficult to find.
oh i see what this is about
It's all about commenting.
I disagree
Don't need "control" over anything, EKRboy (WTF?).
Just saying... GTFO of my profile. Party's here now 'sall.
And... apparently, also time to pony up for some drinks. :::gives iamnone a $20::: MOAR VODKA, plox.
I changed my mind. Go back to spamming the shit out of my newspost as per usual.
MPD enough for you?
Oh, hey there, iamnone. o_o
You're fat
Actually, I'm not.
As fat as an African that didn't eat for weeks.
lol@HErE HaVE A PIEcE OF MY ALREADY USED AND 3 DAYS OLD PiE THANKsm. See what I did there?
Sounds like poop.
Dude you just said you didn't eat four Africans and feel weak, what
Leave the logical thinking for the real world.
Sounds reasonable.
That's when I have stopped taking the online world seriously.
You can't possibly be serious about that
1706, "register of deaths," from M.L. obituarius "a record of the death of a person," lit. "pertaining to death," from L. obitus "departure, a going to meet, encounter" (a euphemism for "death"), from stem of obire "go to meet" (as in mortem obire "meet death"), from ob "to, toward" + ire "go." Meaning "record or announcement of a death, esp. in a newspaper, and including a brief biographical sketch" is from 1738. A similar euphemism is in O.E. cognate forðfaran "to die," lit. "to go forth."
Both of you need to STFU, *I'm* the fat one, bitches.
Also: "37 comments"... fuck that shit. :::posts #38:::
oh hello there
Evacuate the intestines.
I have a feeling you're not taking this seriously.
We think alike.
In my life I have 3 regrets:
1) Not getting aids
2) Not getting laid with a fat hermaphrodite
3) Commenting on Newgrounds
I can help you with the first two, the third is already too late, I'm afraid.